Teeth Crowding & Spacing Correction

When teeth are crowded or have too much space, it can lead to various dental issues. Discover our teeth spacing correction dental services that can restore your teeth to their optimal position.

Teeth Crowding

Teeth crowding occurs when there is not enough room in your jaw for all of your teeth to fit properly. As a result, your teeth may twist, overlap, or shift out of alignment. Crowding can develop if baby teeth are lost too early or too late, or if adult teeth grow incorrectly. 

In severe cases, an expander may be used to widen the jaw and create more space. Clear aligners can also gradually adjust the teeth to their proper positions. 

Teeth Spacing

Teeth spacing, the opposite of crowding, happens when there is too much space or gaps between your teeth. This can occur if your teeth are too small for your jaw or if you have missing teeth or abnormal gum tissue. Clear aligners are effective treatment options for correcting spacing issues. Proper alignment not only improves the appearance of your smile but also enhances oral health by reducing areas where plaque and tartar can accumulate.

If you or your child are experiencing issues with crowding or spacing, contact us to find the right treatment plan.

3D illustration of a lower jaw model showing crowded teeth with uneven alignment, detailed tooth structure and pink gums, set against a dark background, highlighting orthodontic treatment needs.
  • What causes crowded teeth?

    Crowded teeth can be caused by a lack of space in the jaw, early or late loss of baby teeth, and improper eruption of adult teeth. Genetic factors can also play a role, as can habits like thumb-sucking or extended use of a pacifier in childhood. Regular dental checkups can help identify crowding early, making it easier to treat effectively.

  • Do wisdom teeth cause crowding?

    Wisdom teeth can contribute to crowding, especially if there is not enough space for them to erupt properly. As they try to emerge, they can push other teeth out of alignment. Removing wisdom teeth can prevent or alleviate crowding and associated dental issues.

More Questions?

If you have more questions about crowding and spacing correction, please contact our office and we will be happy to discuss further.

Missouri City Dentistry

9612 Hwy 6 #100
Missouri City, TX 77459
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Monday: 8 AM - 5 PM
Tuesday: 8 AM - 5 PM
Wednesday: 9 AM - 5 PM
Thursday: 9 AM - 6 PM
Friday: 9 AM - 4 PM
Saturday: 9 AM - 3 PM



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